Artisoft Technical Bulletin Updated: 02.03.94 DA Windows for Workgroups v3.11 Tips ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This guide is to aid in the proper setup and configuration of Windows for Workgroups v3.11 and Artisoft's LANtastic Network Operating System v5.0 Extensive testing has not occurred with this configuration and this document is meant to be a guideline only. OVERVIEW Windows for Workgroups 3.11 provides support for running over networks that are supported by Windows 3.1. Support for Windows 3.1-compatible networks allows you to use Windows for Workgroups functionality such as Mail, Schedule+ and Microsoft At Work fax in your existing environment without changing your desktop software. Using Windows for Workgroups on top of a Windows 3.1-compatible network limits the network functionality to only offer the functions that are provided by the Windows 3.1-compatible network. Some Windows 3.1-compatible networks such as Artisoft LANtastic use proprietary network protocols to communicate and can not be integrated with other computers using Windows for Workgroups naively. When Windows for Workgroups is configured to run on top of a Windows 3.1-compatible network, the peer network components of Windows for Workgroups are not installed. However, the workgroup computing applications such as Mail, Schedule+ and Microsoft At Work fax are available. Windows 3.1-compatible networks that provide reliable NetBIOS services may also support the use of Network DDE to provide a means of dynamically exchanging information across the network using Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE. Users of a Windows 3.1-compatible network that desire connectivity with Windows NT Advanced Server will need to use Windows for Workgroups to replace the networking software that they run on their existing network. It was possible to use Windows for Workgroups 3.1 with a Windows 3.1-compatible network, but this required the customer to hand- edit *.INI files to configure the environment properly. Windows for Workgroups 3.11 handles this configuration through the Networks dialog box displayed as part of the setup procedure. MODIFICATION OF CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI AND SYSTEM.INI The following modifications to CONFIG.SYS and *.INI files are necessary after W4W SETUP has been run and LANtastic is chosen as the network. Make sure these read as follows (use any ASCII text editor, like EDIT or Windows NOTEPAD to view and modify these files): SYSTEM.INI [386enh] network=*vnetbios, lantasti.386 netasynchfallback=true netasynchtimeout=5.0 pervmfiles=0 emmexclude=D800-DFFF (only necessary if the network adapter installed uses a RAMBASE; if your network adapter uses a RAMBASE, be sure the addresses on this line agree with the starting and ending address of the network adapter.) [network] winnet=lantastic/xx050000 multinet=nonet computername=machinename where machine name equals the name after REDIR in STARTNET.BAT) CONFIG.SYS REM device=ifshlp.sys PRINTING If Windows for Workgroups is installed on a LANtastic Print Server, additional changes are necessary. First, go into the NET_MGR program on that machine. Go into SHARED RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, select the printer resource, i.e. @PRINTER, and change CHAR/SECONDS from 0 to 10000. Be sure to do this for ALL printer resources in the list. Then, ESCape back to the Main List in NET_MGR, go into SERVER STARTUP PARAMETERS, and make sure that Printer Tasks are set to 1, regardless of the number of printers actually cabled to this machine. Reboot the machine to allow the changes to take affect. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE DONE ON ALL MACHINES RUNNING WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS: In Windows, go into Control Panel, PRINTERS, and clear the check box for Use Print Manager. Then click on the appropriate printer driver, and click on CONNECT. In the PORTS section, click on the port hat you are "NET USING" in STARTNET.BAT. (For example, if you have NET USE LPT1 \\SERVER\@PRINTER in STARTNET.BAT, then click on LPT1; if you have NET USE LPT2 \\SERVER\@PRINTER, then click on LPT2. ) Next, in the TIMEOUTS section, increase DeviceNotSelected to 900, and TransmissionRetry to 950. Last, clear the Fast Printing Direct to Port check box, and click on OK. ARTISOFT, Inc. makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this document. LANtastic is a registered trademark of ARTISOFT, Inc. Company names, brand names, and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.